April 29, 2024 3 min read

May is National Walking Month in the UK, a perfect time to celebrate the simple joy of walking. Not only is walking beneficial for our health and mood, but it also supports a sustainable lifestyle. As we enjoy the fresh, vibrant spring, why not step outside and make the most of this eco-friendly activity? This post will guide you through some practical ways to incorporate more walking into your daily routine, all the while using products that respect our environment.

Start with a morning walk

Kick off your day with a morning walk. It’s a refreshing way to awaken your body and mind. The cool, gentle breezes of May are ideal for a comfortable stroll. Tie your hair back with one of our eco-friendly hair ties, made from organic cotton and plant-based rubber, and step out to greet the day. These ties are gentle on your hair and the planet.

Commute on foot

If possible, swap your vehicle commute for walking. Even if it’s just part of the way, walking to work or the nearest bus stop can significantly increase your daily physical activity. It reduces carbon emissions and gives you a daily dose of exercise.

Take walking meetings

Transform your usual seated meetings into walking meetings. This not only adds some steps to your day but also encourages creativity and conversation in a more relaxed environment. Walking side by side can make meetings less formal and more productive.

Explore local trails

Use National Walking Month as an opportunity to explore local walking trails. The UK boasts an array of beautiful paths that offer both tranquillity and a dose of nature. Bring along a reusable glass coffee cup from our range to enjoy your favourite brew on the go, without any waste.

Join a walking group

Joining a local walking group can be a motivational and social way to get more steps into your day. Walking with others can make the time pass quickly and before you know it, you’ll have racked up thousands of steps. It’s also a great way to meet people who are interested in a healthy, eco-conscious lifestyle.

Organise a charity walk

Organise or participate in a charity walk. This is a wonderful way to contribute to a cause you care about while also getting active. Walking for charity can give your walking an additional purpose beyond just personal health and wellbeing.

Make it a family affair

Encourage your family to go on regular walks with you. Whether it’s after dinner or early in the morning, walking together not only strengthens family bonds but also instils healthy habits in everyone. Make it fun by playing games like 'I spy' as you walk, or by exploring new neighbourhoods together.

Go tech-free

Try to take at least one walk per week without your phone or other gadgets. Disconnecting from digital devices allows you to connect more deeply with your surroundings and yourself. You’ll likely notice more of the beauty around you and can use this time for reflection or mindfulness.

Document your walks

Keep a walking diary or use a photography app to document the sights you see on your walks. Not only will this keep you motivated, but it will also create a beautiful record of your progress and the landscapes you’ve enjoyed.

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